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Exoprise Glossary

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

What is Role-Based Access Control?

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a security model that allows restricting system access to authorized users. RBAC provides access permissions which are tied to roles, which users are assigned to based on their responsibilities and job requirements in an organization.

The key components to Role-Based Access Control include:


Roles are representative of job functions and responsibilities inside of organizations. Each role has permissions associated with them, specifying what users can perform as well as where they can navigate to.


Permissions are actions or operations that users can perform within a system. They are associated with roles which define a users access level.


Users are individuals interacting within the system. Each user has a role assigned to them based on job responsibilities.

Role Assignment:

Role assignment involves associating users with the specific role corresponding to the permissions required to complete their day to day activities.

RBAC is a widely adopted access control model, it is implemented in systems including operating systems, databases, and applications to manage access to resources.

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