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How To Monitor Email Services

How to Monitor Your Email Services

Verifying email performance is more than the basic understanding of message flow. Outbound mail in the form of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and inbound mail through MAPI or Microsoft’s Graph API only parts of email systems to monitor, usually…

Real User Monitoring and Synthetic for Salesforce

Best Practices for Monitoring Salesforce is an essential mission-critical application for many enterprises. Because it is only delivered through the cloud, its performance is highly dependent upon where it is being served from, accessed from, end-to-end network characteristics, and type of usage within an…

DevOps Requires Continuous Monitoring

Why Shift-Right is Essential for SaaS Applications

SaaS DevOps Needs to Include Post Deployment Monitoring To many IT software teams, the mantra currently fashionable for team practice is “shift-left.” That refers to moving certain activities, such as code integration, build, and testing, earlier in the software development…

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